With the new school year starting, our streets will soon be bustling with school buses, young pedestrians, and eager cyclists. As we navigate our daily commutes, it’s important to remember that sharing the road safely is a shared responsibility. 

1. Watch for School Zones

School zones are clearly marked and typically have reduced speed limits during school hours. Make sure to:

  • Slow Down: Always adhere to the posted speed limits in school zones. Children can be unpredictable, and lower speeds can prevent accidents.
  • Be Alert: Watch for crossing guards and follow their signals. Be prepared to stop for children crossing the street.

2. Stop for School Buses

In Illinois, it’s the law to stop for school buses that are loading or unloading children. Here’s what to remember:

  • Red Lights and Stop Signs: When a school bus stops and displays its red flashing lights and stop sign, all traffic must stop, regardless of the direction you’re coming from. The only exception is on a divided highway with a median, where traffic moving in the opposite direction is not required to stop.
  • Stay Back: Keep a safe distance behind school buses to give children plenty of space to get on and off safely.

3. Yield to Pedestrians

Children walking to and from school may not always pay attention to traffic. Help keep them safe by:

  • Yielding at Crosswalks: Always yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and be especially vigilant in school zones.
  • Watching for Kids: Be extra cautious in residential areas and near schools. Children might dart into the street unexpectedly.

4. Drive Distraction-Free

Distracted driving is dangerous, especially around schools. Make sure to:

  • Put Away Devices: Keep your phone out of reach and focus solely on driving.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Eating, grooming, or adjusting the radio can wait until you’re parked safely.

5. Respect Crossing Guards

Crossing guards play a crucial role in keeping our children safe. Show them respect by:

  • Following Their Directions: Always stop when a crossing guard signals you to and wait until they indicate it’s safe to proceed.
  • Being Patient: Crossing guards may take a few extra moments to ensure all children have safely crossed. Your patience can prevent accidents.

6. Bicycle Safety

Many children ride their bikes to school. Share the road with cyclists by:

  • Giving Space: Provide at least three feet of space when passing a cyclist.
  • Checking for Bikes: Always look for bicycles before opening your car door and at intersections.
  • Following Bicycle Lanes: Be mindful of bike lanes and do not drive or park in them.

7. Set a Good Example

As adults, we set the example for younger generations. Show them safe driving habits by:

  • Obeying Traffic Laws: Always follow traffic signals, signs, and speed limits.
  • Using Turn Signals: Indicate your intentions clearly to other drivers and pedestrians.
  • Practicing Courtesy: Be courteous to other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.

We’re Here to Help

By following these tips, we can all contribute to a safer environment for our children as they head back to school. If you have any questions about your auto insurance or need advice on staying safe on the road, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.