Summer is finally here, and that means it’s time for those long-awaited vacations. Whether you’re heading to the beach, the mountains, or just visiting family out of town, we know you’re looking forward to some much-needed rest and relaxation. But before you pack your bags and hit the road, let’s make sure your home is as ready for your vacation as you are.

Here are some tips to help you protect your home while you’re away, so you can truly unwind and enjoy your summer break!

1. Lights On, Nobody’s Home

A well-lit home can be a great deterrent to potential intruders. Set your lights on timers to mimic your usual evening routine. Smart home systems can make this even easier, allowing you to control lights remotely or set them to a schedule.

2. Phone a Friend

Have a trusted neighbor or friend keep an eye on your place. They can pick up your mail, water your plants, and ensure everything looks normal. Plus, it’s always nice to know someone’s close by if there’s an emergency.

3. Hold the Mail

Speaking of mail, nothing says “we’re not home” like a pile of letters and newspapers. Put a hold on your mail and any scheduled deliveries. It’s quick and easy to do online through the USPS website.

4. Secure Your Valuables

Consider moving valuable items to a safe or a less obvious place in your home. If you have important documents, jewelry, or electronics, think about renting a safe deposit box or using a home safe.

5. Lock It Up

This might seem obvious, but double-check all doors and windows before you leave. Don’t forget about the garage door, basement windows, and any side entrances. A quick once-over can provide peace of mind.

6. Unplug and Save

Unplug non-essential electronics to save energy and reduce the risk of an electrical fire. This includes things like your TV, computer, and kitchen appliances. Plus, it’s a great way to save on your electricity bill!

7. Don’t Broadcast Your Plans

As tempting as it is to share every detail of your amazing trip on social media, try to avoid posting about your vacation until you’re back home. You never know who might be watching.

8. Invest in a Security System

If you haven’t already, consider installing a home security system. Many modern systems offer real-time alerts and remote monitoring through your smartphone, so you can keep an eye on things no matter where you are.

9. Trim the Hedges

Keep your yard looking tidy by trimming hedges and bushes that could provide cover for someone sneaking around. A well-maintained yard can also signal to would-be burglars that someone is home.

10. Emergency Contact List

Leave an emergency contact list with your neighbor or friend, including your insurance agency’s number. In case something does happen, it’s good to have quick access to the right people who can help.

Remember, the goal is to make your home look occupied and cared for, even when you’re not there. A little preparation goes a long way in ensuring you return to your home just as you left it.


Have a fantastic vacation and safe travels! And as always, if you have any questions about your home insurance or need to update your policy before you go, give us a call. We’re here to help!