Summer is here, and we know you’re just as excited as your furry friends to enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather. 

Whether your pet loves frolicking in the backyard, joining you on beach trips, or simply lounging in the sun, it’s essential to keep their safety in mind during these hot months. Let’s dive into some key tips for ensuring your pets stay safe and healthy this summer, and how pet insurance can be a lifesaver when unexpected issues arise.

1. Hydration is Key

Just like us, our pets need plenty of water, especially when it’s hot outside. Always provide fresh, cool water for your pets. If you’re out and about, carry a portable water bowl and extra water to keep them hydrated. Dehydration can sneak up on pets quickly, leading to serious health issues.

2. Avoid the Heat

Pets can’t handle extreme temperatures as well as humans. Try to walk your dogs early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler. 

Hot pavement can burn their paws, so check the ground temperature before heading out. Remember, if it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for their paws!

3. Never Leave Pets in Cars

It only takes a few minutes for a car to become dangerously hot, even with the windows cracked. Never leave your pets in the car, no matter how quick you think your errand will be. Heatstroke can occur rapidly, and it’s often fatal.

4. Shade and Shelter

If your pets spend time outside, make sure they have access to plenty of shade and a cool place to rest. A doghouse might provide shade, but it can get very hot inside, so ensure it’s well-ventilated or opt for a shaded area under a tree or porch.

5. Watch for Signs of Overheating

Pets can’t tell us when they’re too hot, so it’s up to us to watch for signs of overheating. Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, weakness, vomiting, and collapse. If you notice any of these signs, move your pet to a cooler place immediately and contact your vet.

6. Water Safety

Not all pets are natural swimmers, so always supervise your pets around water. If you’re taking your dog to the beach or pool, consider a pet life jacket for added safety. Rinse them off after swimming to remove salt or chlorine, which can irritate their skin.

7. Pet-Friendly Pest Protection

Summer means more insects, including fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, which can carry diseases harmful to pets. Ensure your pets are on appropriate flea and tick preventatives and keep an eye out for any signs of bites or infestations.


How Pet Insurance Can Help

Even with the best precautions, accidents and illnesses can happen. That’s where pet insurance comes in handy. Here’s how it can support you and your furry friends:

  • Emergency Vet Visits: Heatstroke, dehydration, or sudden injuries can lead to emergency vet visits. Pet insurance helps cover the costs, so you’re not caught off guard by hefty bills.
  • Preventive Care: Some pet insurance plans offer coverage for preventive care, including flea and tick preventatives, vaccinations, and routine check-ups, keeping your pet healthy year-round.
  • Treatment for Illnesses: If your pet gets sick from drinking contaminated water or contracts a disease from a tick bite, pet insurance can cover the treatment costs.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have financial support in case of unexpected health issues allows you to focus on enjoying your summer adventures with your pet without worry.

Enjoying summer with your pets is one of the best parts of the season. With a little preparation and the right pet insurance, you can ensure that your furry friends stay safe, healthy, and happy all summer long.