We all know that Mother Nature can be unpredictable- especially seen in the news today. 

While Chicagoland may not face hurricanes and wildfires as frequently as other regions, we are at risk for tornadoes, flooding and strong storms. Being prepared for any natural disaster is a great way to have peace of mind.  

Here are some tips for preparing for and recovering from natural disasters.

Preparing for Natural Disasters

  1. Create an Emergency Plan
    Every family should have a plan in place. Discuss how to evacuate your home, where to meet if you get separated, and who to contact in case of an emergency. Make sure everyone knows the plan and practices it regularly.
  2. Build an Emergency Kit
    An emergency kit is a must-have. Include essentials like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, medications, important documents, and some cash. Don’t forget supplies for your pets too!
  3. Stay Informed
    Keep up-to-date with local news and weather forecasts. Sign up for emergency alerts from local authorities to stay informed about any impending natural disasters.
  4. Secure Your Home
    Regularly inspect your home for potential hazards. Secure heavy furniture, check your roof and gutters, and ensure your windows and doors are in good condition. You can also install storm shutters for extra protection.
  5. Review Your Insurance Coverage
    Make sure your home and belongings are adequately covered. Review your policies to understand what’s included and consider adding additional coverage if needed. For instance, flood insurance is crucial, as standard home insurance doesn’t typically cover flood damage.

During a Natural Disaster

  1. Stay Calm and Follow Your Plan
    Stick to your emergency plan and remain calm. If authorities issue evacuation orders, follow them immediately. Your safety is the top priority.
  2. Use Emergency Supplies Wisely
    Use your emergency supplies sparingly and only when necessary. Keep your emergency kit accessible and ensure everyone in the household knows where it is.
  3. Stay Informed
    Continue to listen to local news and weather updates. Use a battery-powered or hand-crank radio if the power goes out.

Recovering from a Natural Disaster

  1. Assess the Damage
    Once it’s safe to return home or leave shelter, carefully assess any damage. Take photos and notes of everything for insurance purposes. Don’t enter your home until it’s declared safe by authorities.
  2. Contact Your Insurance Company
    Notify your insurance company as soon as possible to start the claims process. Provide them with all the documentation you’ve collected, including photos and a detailed list of damaged items.
  3. Make Temporary Repairs
    If it’s safe, make temporary repairs to prevent further damage. Keep all receipts for any expenses incurred, as your insurance may reimburse you.
  4. Seek Assistance
    Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Local, state, and federal agencies often provide resources and assistance for those affected by natural disasters. Community organizations and relief agencies can also offer support.
  5. Take Care of Yourself
    Recovering from a natural disaster can be stressful. Take care of your mental and physical health, and seek support from family, friends, or professional counselors if needed.

We’re Here to Help

Our team is here to help you navigate through these tough times with the right insurance coverage and support. We’re dedicated to ensuring your peace of mind, no matter what Mother Nature throws our way.