As summer days get shorter and the back-to-school season approaches, it’s time to start thinking about more than just new backpacks and school supplies. Preparing for the new school year also means considering potential risks and ensuring you’re adequately covered. Here at Midwest Certified Insurance, we want to help you navigate this busy season with peace of mind. Let’s dive into some essential tips for preparing for back-to-school risks.

1. Health Insurance Check-Up

Before school starts, make sure your child’s health insurance is up to date. Schedule a routine check-up with your pediatrician to address any health concerns and ensure vaccinations are current. Healthy kids are happy kids, and staying on top of their health means fewer sick days and more learning.

2. Review Your Auto Insurance

With school back in session, you might find yourself doing more driving – from drop-offs to extracurricular activities. It’s a good time to review your auto insurance policy. Make sure you have adequate coverage for any accidents, especially if you have a new teen driver in the house. Safe driving habits and proper insurance can save you a lot of stress.

3. Personal Property Coverage

From laptops to musical instruments, kids often carry valuable items to school. Check if your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance covers personal belongings outside the home. If not, consider adding additional coverage. Accidents happen, and having coverage for those “oops” moments can be a real lifesaver.

4. Liability Coverage

Kids can be unpredictable, and sometimes that unpredictability leads to accidental damage or injury. Ensure your liability coverage is sufficient to protect you from any unforeseen events. This can be particularly important if your child is involved in sports or other activities that carry a higher risk of injury.

5. School Liability Policies

Understand the liability policies of your child’s school. Many schools have insurance that covers students during school hours and on school property, but the coverage can vary. Knowing what’s covered and what isn’t can help you decide if you need to supplement with additional insurance.

6. Cyber Safety and Identity Theft

In our digital age, children are increasingly using the internet for schoolwork and socializing. This opens up risks for cyberbullying and identity theft. Talk to your insurance agent about options for cyber protection and consider educating your children on safe online practices.

7. Emergency Preparedness

Finally, make sure your family has a plan for emergencies. Whether it’s a fire drill or knowing how to react in case of a severe weather event, being prepared can make all the difference. Review your emergency procedures and ensure your insurance policies are up to date, so you’re ready for any situation.

A Helping Hand

At Midwest Certified Insurance Agency, we understand that preparing for the school year can be overwhelming. We’re here to help you review your policies and ensure you have the coverage you need for a smooth transition back to school. Give us a call or fill out the form on our site– we’d love to assist you in any way we can.

Here’s to a safe and successful school year!